New American Cursive Workbook 3 – Standard
(Grades 3-4 – Advanced Cursive Lessons)
This advanced cursive workbook is available in two versions: Scripture with Bible verses & Lessons on Manners OR Standard with quotes from great Americans & Lessons on Manners. The third book in the NAC® Program is designed to build on and enhance the student’s development of cursive writing skills while teaching good manners and correspondence protocol. It combines proven teaching methods with the needs of the contemporary student for a fast, legible script.
NAC® Workbook 3 includes:
- Seven page Teaching Guide with practical teaching tips
- 100 Lessons for excellent penmanship refinement
- Practice pages include A-Z Scripture memory verses or Standard version with famous quotes
- Both versions have character building quotes
- Lessons emphasizing good manners and fun-filled activities
- Practice exercises with correspondence protocol
- Progress evaluations and test pages
- Journaling pages
- Decrease in writing line size until standard size is achieved
- Flexible teaching method allows for the individuality of the student