Thanks for your interest in our free cursive writing templates
Please feel free to download these and use them as needed in your classrooms.
Year One Cursive
This free cursive writing template is created with the Startwrite/NAC® CD for beginning cursive writers to supplement NAC Workbook 1. It can be used for extra practice to write letters, words and short sentences. The extra guidelines help the student with size and spacing on both capital and lower case letters. Make sure students use the correct pencil grip and paper position.
Year Two Cursive
This free cursive writing template can be used for student practice to supplement NAC Workbook 2. The extra guideline can help the student write with a more consistent midzone size. Check letter connections for accuracy to form the letters correctly. Remind students of proper pencil and paper position.
Year Three and Above
This free cursive writing template can help students who have had cursive training but need extra practice to enhance legibility, fluidity and speed. For a reminder, the correct letter forms are at the top. Emphasize legibility in all practice. Use the free Handwriting Evaluation Checklist to focus the practice on the most important areas.